Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Demigod- The Slumber of Sullen Eyes (1992)

This debut album from Finnish obscurity Demigod has slowly been building a sizable rep over the years since it’s rather under the radar release. As it was only available in the US as an import didn’t help it back in the day, but this is one of those albums that internet mongers like me simply won’t shut up about. And there’s good reason indeed for its slow ascent into recognition, as it’s simply one of the best European records of its time, and possibly the best Finnish death metal album ever made. Now if you’re not aware of how big Finland’s extreme metal scene is, that may sound like faint praise. But no, it’s a scene full of idiosyncratic and excellent bands, and Demigod stamped their own chapter in its history with this brilliant album. Opening up with a total classic in “As I Behold I Despise,” the band’s ability to wield both heads down aggression as well as a flowing, compositional approach ala Morbid Angel is inescapable. The consistent quality of the song writing belies this being the band’s first album, as the material here moves from melancholy melodies to savage riffing with an amazing sense of ease and fluidity. And I don’t often mention this as being a meaningful thing, but the sleeve illustration is amazing as well. This one is an essential listen for any death metal fan. It simply shows what musical heights the genre is capable of hitting, and that’s worth hearing no matter what direction your tastes run in.

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